Virtual OGRErr importFromWKTListOnly( char ** ppszInput, int bHasZ, int bHasM, Virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const CPL_OVERRIDE A complete API is provided below -Ĭlass CPL_DLL OGRTriangle : public OGRPolygon
#Tin to multipatch iso#
The minimum version tested to build is 1.2.2 (as found in Ubuntu 16.04).Īs mentionned in its home page, "SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations." Īdditionally, the SFCGAL library is a new optional dependency of GDAL (build support only done for Unix for now). Some prelimenary work had already been done prior to this proposal, such as including the necessary WKB codes in. The new class hierarchy is the following and is mostly consistant with SQL/MM Part 3
BNF of WKB encoding: extracted from SQL/MM Part 3.BNF of WKT encoding: extracted from SQL/MM Part 3.OpenGIS Simple Feature Access Part 1 : Common Architecture,v 1.2.1, a.k.a.TriangulatedSurface - A subset of PolyhedralSurface a 3D figure which consists exclusively of Triangles.PolyhedralSurface - A 3D figure made exclusively of Polygons.Triangle - A subset of polygons, the fundamental difference is that it is made of 3 nodes only (actually 4, with the last one being the repetition of the first one) and ONLY ONE exterior boundary and NO interior polygons.This RFC addresses the addition of the following new geometries in OGRGeometry: Vertices allowed in any triangle strip used in constructing the multipatch.RFC 64: Triangle, Polyhedral surface and TINĬontact: avyavkumar at gmail dot com, even.rouault at Īs of now, the OGRGeometry class (found at ) (the base class from which all the subtypes are derived) is limited to OGRCompoundCurve, OGRCircularString, OGRLinearRing, OGRMultiLineString, OGRMultiPoint, OGRMultiPolygon, OGRMultiCurve, OGRSimpleCurve, OGRCurvePolygon and OGRPolygon. This parameter specifies the maximum number of The Maximum Triangle Strip Size value must be 3 or larger.
Planimetric and surface area calculations are included in the output alongside other attributes from the input polygon.Ĭonsider converting polygons to multipatches if you experience display problems with three-dimensional rendering of polygons draped on a surface. Resulting multipatch will capture the 3D surface representation in its geometry.
#Tin to multipatch series#
The triangles of this new TIN are then extracted in a series of strips that are used to define a multipatch-based feature. The nodes are re-triangulated in a new memory-based TIN, and the 3D polygon boundary is enforced as a clip polygon. Then, all nodes that fall within the polygon are extracted.
#Tin to multipatch full#
This natural densification captures the full definition of the linear surface using a minimal number of samples.
Heights are obtained using linear interpolation by sampling at each input vertex and wherever the boundary line intersects surface triangle edges and nodes. Each polygon feature has its boundary profiled along the surface.